Week of January 13 begins with the Full Moon in Cancer
Do any of us truly know the origin of this reality? No. I do know “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto”. The world is changing and who we were 5 years ago is almost not relevant to who we are today. I am grateful to be here and I find deep security in the awareness that my life is a divine mix of will and fate. The more you can be in a surrendered state of moving through your days, the better life will feel. The push and the willful actions are feeling sluggish or even paused right now as we have cosmic forces that are guiding us to reassess, and be patient with the signs and synchronicities that are presenting. The way forward is very different than where we have been traveling. If you're conscious, you feel this deeply.
As of this week, we have really changed gears, so to say. The nodal axis of the moon which guides the direction of the collective reality, has switched to the Virgo/Pisces axis. We were dealing will relational issues of all kinds that were asking us to be really honest around those subjects and shifted us on some level, whether conscious of it or not. We are leaving the Aries/Libra axis. We are this week, as of the 11th, in a new cycle where we will be looking at our own fundamental beliefs, health and our reality manifest, mind, body and soul. We will be in this energy for 18 months and this is a collective energy, one that has the potential to heal us and the way we relate to society and divinity. This is the axis of health and service, human and divine, mind and body, physical and spiritual, drugs and bliss, routine and surrender. We’re being welcomed and pulled (if we don’t come of our own accord), to really step into our best, for us, by us. I myself am eager to have the focus off the “other” and “self” in relationships and now moving into the expression of self through spirituality, compassion, health and well being. It’s who I am for gods sake! I can also add here that my relationships have been transformed. Whew! That was the collective energy for past year and half. Think about what your life has been in that arena and what’s been happening, please share any insight in your life! I always love to hear! It’s not black and white, as astrology is divine and its not colored by the human need for perfection. The recent months have likely had you working on the way you relate to self and others, on all accords. Business partners, clientele, lovers, friends, etc. My hope is that you’re aligned with partnerships and connections that are based on support and understanding. I'll be sharing more on this chaning tide.
FULL MOON IN CANCER @ 23' ~ Monday the 13th
Stepping into this week, we are being catapulted into a new arena as the Full moon in Cancer occurs on the 13th at 23’. Mars is RX and sitting in the whole house sign of Cancer with the moon and we may find ourselves feeling really emotionally sensitive or triggered. A full moon is always a point of release and where ever it occurs in your chart will give insight into how this will manifest in your world personally. While Mars is retrograde, he’s kinda dramatic in the way his assertion or direct energy may come out. I think of a brat that didn’t get what he wants. He’s not happy here and he feels like he has to scream a little louder or make the point more extreme. Mars is our drive and action. When he is retrograde with a full moon in a sign he doesn’t like, we can feel a lot of frustration and tension in our world, intimately and collectively. This can also play out as past issues festering that need to be brought out to be healed.
The Full moon is also opposite the Sun, always, and in Capricorn, we want to feel strong and stable about what we are creating and doing. The Sun and Moon are flowing to Uranus on this day as well and there can be some sudden shocks and surprises that present that we weren’t expecting to have to handle, but nothing the enduring strong sun in Capricorn can’t handle. We could find ourselves feeling more of an independent pull to express ourselves. Be thoughtful if this comes up. Use discernment in communications. The long and short of the Full moon in Cancer is that there will be emotional drama. There will be frustrations. There will also be declarations of needs and wants being voiced. If you’re feeling any deep held frustrations coming to surface or you’re planning to share your feelings with another, consider being very intentional around this time! It’s a lovely way to master your life. When we are aware of the energies around us, we can navigate more efficiently.
Themes of the Full Moon in Cancer
1. Emotional Release and Intuition: Cancer is a water sign ruled by the Moon, representing emotions, intuition, and the home. A full moon in Cancer often brings heightened emotional awareness, prompting individuals to confront their feelings, especially those related to family, home, and personal security. With Mars here, it’s important to not be reactive or create unnecessary angst.
2. Nurturing vs. Ambition: With the Sun in Capricorn (an earth sign associated with ambition, structure, and career), there may be a tension between the nurturing qualities of Cancer and the ambitious, goal-oriented nature of Capricorn. This may prompt individuals to reflect on how to balance their personal needs with professional aspirations. We have Mercury who is sitting in the same house with the Sun, so communication will likely be a theme.
3. Not mentioned above, Juno, The asteroid wife of Jupiter, is also flowing to this lunation. This could create a theme around contracts of commitment and love.

1. Reflect on Emotional Needs: This full moon invites introspection regarding emotional needs and how they align with professional goals. Take time to journal, meditate on what truly makes you feel fulfilled, and be compassionate and patient with yourself and others.
2. Communicate Openly: Use the energy to express your feelings constructively, especially if there are tensions in relationships. You’ll need to be extra intentional since Mars is moving in retrograde motion. This is a sign that you may be discussing past/old issues.
3. Embrace Change: Be open to new ideas and ways to approaches to both home and career. The supportive energy from Uranus can help facilitate positive changes that lead to a better balance between personal and professional life. The big flag here is the Mars is Rx and Uranus is often not expected. Watch for tempers and act accordingly.
4. Nurture Relationships: Focus on nurturing connections with loved ones, as this is a time for emotional bonding and support. This is the remedy. This is the tonic. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Allow yourself to open up and allow the flow of the cosmic energies to influence you!
The way of the world is moving quickly to more technology in every way. The frequency of earth itself is raised. We’re in the beginning of a new cycle that will change the way we live. Embrace energy. Embrace health. Embrace simple. Embrace the ways that you can come home and heal your world, one choice, once hour, one day at a time. It’s all a dream, make it yours.
Deeply ~