Energy of September 16 through the 21
It seems that every time I write about astrology these days its always a big theme! Well, were in big times and the transformative energies that are presenting are real and worthy of discussion!
While I will tell you why, I can say with confidence and with clarity that we will most definitely want to be in a space of conscious surrender this week! The theme of the week is transformative self love and relationship dynamics.
We have a Mars energy that is squaring the Nodes of Fate, followed quickly by a full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces! To many, these words don’t mean much but I can promise you that you will be grateful you tapped into this before it happens. I find that astrology is like a weather report of the energies that are presenting in the material reality on the planet, reflecting the energies of the cosmic dances above. Mars squares the nodes on Monday and this is an aspect that can bring tension, power struggles or feelings of intensity around our relationships to others and to ourselves. The Full Moon Pisces Eclipses heightens that energy of self and way that we are treating ourselves, mentallly, physically and spiritually.
Mars in Cancer brings a sensitivity to our actions and assertive energy. We may feel more protective or like our actions are being driven by our feelings or underlying emotions. It can lead us to feel really inclined to force our emotions or our feelings and we can sometimes become a bit brash in doing so. Mars is a warrior when in action. Mars squaring the nodes of fate is absolutely sure to usher in big feels around what we’re doing and who were doing it with. Are we balanced? Are we giving enough? Are we getting enough? Watch for intense communications or emotional expressions during this weeks energy. We may see some misunderstandings or useless arguments present. Let’s get in front of it. Choose to navigate any tensions that do arise with healthy boundaries, empathy and be willing to compromise on important subjects. We don’t want to regret anything that we choose this week with the ones we love or with our own path forward. Discernment.
The Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse coming in on Tuesday can heighten emotions, intuition, and also fantasy and illusion. Its a time of intense feelings and it can heighten our already functioning intuitive processes or light them up like never before! The dark side of this is it can also create illusion and confusion around topics our world. This can deepen our emotional connections but also may bring up unresolved issues in relationships that have been hidden under the surface. Full moon eclipses remove the light, so we can see what’s in the dark. Have you been escaping? Are you in denial? Have you been sabotaging your self? It’s healthy to be aware that things may come up so that you can pan to process and look that them before expressing! It’s a good time to be frank and honest with ourselves and others. We want to use this energy harness the good in it and allow it to deepen our communications and commitments we will be making in our worlds. This sets off the next eclipse season spanning for 18 months.

Nonetheless, this week is a culmination of intense relationship dynamics. I could say so much more but I am coming off a lovely but busy birthday weekend and I will likely share more this week.
Remember, Eclipse energy is not just the day of the eclipse, but an unfolding. I often feel the energy a couple weeks before the event and also allow for it to play out for the next 3 to 6 months. Astrology is big cycles. I have come to realize that many who speak to astrology are not fully aware of the cycles playing out in the Skies above. I wasn’t for many years. When you learn the melodies of each planets energy and they way they impact us on earth, we can begin to dance with the music at hand. Sometimes we will be in a heightened jovial dance and other times we may be in a melancholic slow dance. Either way, the cosmos keep playing and we have to keep showing up to the show!
What I love about this week is that we are coming off the lovely Venus flowing with Jupiter energy from the weekend and we now have the eyes and heart to know the beauty of self love, self value and value of our relationships to all things and people in our lives. We can harness the energy of the cosmos this week to adjust sails, hold new vision and prepare for the next journey.
Relationships are a theme, and the one to self is the most important.
~ A question I’d love to explore with you all that can give insight into the way astrology works for you
is how have you felt in your relationship to self and to others in your life since July of 2023? What has your self exploration been like in relationship with others and the way you relate back to you?
So much love to you and yours today and everyday!
I can promise you the next several weeks will be intense astrology. Let’s navigate together and be a part of the coming together instead of the division, anger and strife we see so much of in the collective. WE are THE power!
Be so blessed ~