Week of September 9th ~ 15th. Week of Delicious Favor To Harness in Your Own Life

What a lovely week we have ahead of us compared to what we have been experiencing the past several weeks and what’s coming ahead! Eek! This past week was a short one and I think many of us will agree that it feels like time is moving faster and the list of things to do keeps growing! This week, we get a gorgeous flow energy between the two most beautiful planetary energies we can ask for! We also have a gorgeous flow of passionate drive to protect or promote something we love. We have Venus, the planet of love, money, beauty and all things good in a trine flow to Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, luck, expansion, growth and goodness of all kinds! This energy is exact on Saturday and we will feel it Friday through Sunday! Its a gorgeous energy that is part of a larger astrological cycle that started on May 23 2024 in our Taurus house in our charts! (Reach out if you’re getting curious where this is for you). We have a flow energy between Messenger Mercury and Action oriented soldier Mars happening on Wednesday to possible spark a personal passion project! It's a course correcting week if you've been feeling any less than energy! The love can pour in from the cosmos with awareness and gratitude!
We can use this energy to create some lovely experiences in our lives, or just enjoy the positively and sweetness rolling through the skies during this time.
I am extra grateful for this energy this year as I am celebrating my birthday on Friday! With my Virgo sun and Libra Ascendent, I am in for a great beginning to my next trip around the sun! I'm baking in a gorgeous sky!
Monday and Tuesday are pretty quiet and we will likely feel little disruptions from the skies energy, but then on Wednesday we do get a nice connection of Mercury, the planet of communicating or messaging, and playful excitement flowing to Mars, the planet of action and passion! This energy can have us feeling really passionate and ready to stand upper something important to us. This is classic Mother Bear energy. What are you wanting to express to protect, enhance or promote in your personal world or something that is close to your heart? You’ll feel empowered to speak your truth.
The Sun will have a slight tense interaction squaring Jupiter on Wednesday as well but its not that long or that powerful to really create big tension for us in our personal worlds other than to say we could find ourselves in a space of tension with an authority or father figure in our lives. This aspect is not always negative though. Sometimes its perfect to break through or move something that needs that tension to break! All in all the week is good as we then follow this energy up with the gorgeous energy of the Venus and Jupiter flowing energy over the weekend!
We will then feel the energy of goodness starting Thursday evening and into Friday of the benevolence of the Jupiter Venus flow coming into our minds and hearts. To double down on this energy, Jupiter is sitting on A fixed star Capella and this star is powerful in its desire to gift us with intellectual wins, great rewards and confidence to go for it. Venus is sitting with a star Mulford which is more full throttle, deep faith, knowing, keep moving, resilient and take charge of your life momentum!
Let’s all take this weekend energy coming to really appreciate and hold on to the goodness of our lives right now! If you are ready to start something or wanting to begin anew, this is a great way to harness this beautiful flowing energy. Use this energy! Don't let it pass you by!
My birthday week is upon me and I'll be so grateful to harness this lovely cosmic energy that is coming into my world! I am excited about what I am growing and flowing with in my pursuits of life!
Harnessing this energy, I am offering 30 minute intuitive sessions for $50 for my birthday week. You can come and ask me anything and we will find your answers together! I won’t extend it or promote it as I know my limit but I feel moved to do so! Besides, In giving we truly receive. These will be online sessions only! Reach out to me and we will schedule. Spots are limited.
Be so blessed and have a beautifully aligned week! The cosmos have your back!
So much benefic love ~