Week of August 26th - Sept 1
First things first, this week is not as intense as the past few and also not as intense as what’s coming next week. We may feel like we are seeing things play out from the past month or so and it can feel much more positive in areas of forward movement! This week is a great week for us to take a berath and get ready for the next couple months of energy coming in!

We have a couple aspects I’ll speak about this week and I may come back this week to share more as we have a the Mercury Direct on Wednesday which will have all of us feeling this forward momentum on the way we want to engage and communicate! I am creating my course that I will do on Story Telling and the end of the week is a perfect time to share the details as my mind will have the clarity and my wits to express exactly what I want!
This week, overall, is focused on relationships to self and others and unexpected moments in love, friendship and or money. On Tuesday, The planet of love and money, Venus in virgo, is forming a flow energy to the planet of shock and surprises, Uranus still in Taurus. These are both in earth signs and can feel much more tangible in the way that it shows up. This can bring excitement and spontaneity to relationships of all kinds. We may receive a positive gift or news around ways to create more financial abundance or love and beauty developments that were unexpected! Love a good Venus Uranus energy! Expect the best.
Now, the planet so many are familiar with, Mercury in Leo, who rules communication and intellectual pursuits, is going direct on Wednesday! This shift will bring clarity and forward movement in all areas of communication, decision making and any travel plans. Its a great feeling and we will finally feel like we know how we want to move ahead with certain circumstances depending on where this is happening in your birth chart. Mercury was cazimi during this retrograde and we will have that new clarity around something in our Leo area of our chart! Cazimis are when the Planet mercury goes into a close connection to the Sun and gets cleared out. Its like a divine cleansing before moving forward. We won’t feel so mucked up!
On Thursday, we will see Venus in Virgo oppose the planet of illusions, grandiose dreams and spirituality, Neptune in Pisces, we can feel a sense of clarity and/or more illusion around love and money issues. Be Careful not to over romanticize or flavor rose colored glasses at this time. Be wise in areas of money and love! On the positive note, it can create inspiration and or idealism around these areas. You want to be careful to process what’s happening in our major relationships and money stories. We can clear it up, as Venus hasn’t entered Libra just yet and she loves to clean it up in Virgo! She’s practical, she’s seeing what works and what doesn’t and shell move forward into Libra with clarity around what needs to change, what needs to grow and what needs to go!
On Friday, My favorite energy of this week is Venus moving into her own sign of Libra! This will enhance and hold themes of harmony, beauty, love and collaboration in our relationships of all kinds. It is encouraging diplomacy, compromise and cooperation in partnership and will create a focus on creating beautifully and holding peace and harmony in high esteem. While she was in Virgo over the past month, love could have felt more nitpick, nuanced and or like work. Now that she will enter Libra, we will feel so much better about our own self and others in our life! She’s here through the end of September. Yay!
Astrology doesn’t heal you, it doesn’t always
give you the answers, but what it does do is help guide you, help you understand what is going on around us and gives us insight into the why and how we do things in our reality.
I am beyond grateful to share and I am so eager to continue the path of astrological awareness that is all around. I have found it to be the most accurate way to see our world, independently and collectively!
Be so blessed! Everything is happening right on time. We choose to be here at this time and I offer you this awareness to hold this week :
You are more powerful than you could know and you are agreeing to everything you’re experiencing in your life!
Holding space and sending cosmic love ~