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Embracing the Power of the Full Moon in Aries: How it is Transforming Your Life Positively


While the energy of the full moon in Aries is waning as you read this, the energies were intense and now we will feel the energy of what was brought up for us during this lunation.  There were some powerful hits that came with the grand cross energy of Pluto and Mars being included in this lunation and it was wild!

Aries is the warrior, it is the ego identity, it is the way that we express our own truly authentic expression of soul. It’s the way we stand up for ourselves and the way we initiate change in our lives.  It’s an elemental fire sign and it is known to be bold, raw, primal and full of energy!  It is the child like instinctive energy that wants us to move forward with our passion pursuits.  We can get burnt when Aries energy is too ramped.

Pluto is the transformer, he is not gentle in the way that he will plunge us into the depth of our own bullshit, and others, asking us to be brutally honest about the way we function within our reality.  Pluto is the primal depths of the psyche.  When Pluto gets activated, it’s a lesson to be learned, and where it lands in your birth chart matters.  It strips our power away only to move us into our authentic power through transformation, if we dare.  I am not mad at Pluto.  I actually adore him.  I play in the depth of psyches most days, so I am comfortable in those spaces.  We can feel like there is a life or death situation with intense Pluto transits.  We must survive the intensity of any Pluto transit, individually and collectively.

*We’re in a massive Pluto transit for the USA. More on that later.

*Just a quick side note that were preparing for a Pluto Mars opposition in the sky and it will definitely be an intense moment for all of us in one way or another.  If we don’t feel it, we’ll be feeling it in another’s world.

Mars is the ruler of Aries so we will be feeling the same them as spoken about above doubling down on the intensity of our own energy.  Mars stands for raw energy and basic instinct that drives us to act.  It influences our ability to start new things and overcome obstacles.  It is linked to courage, determination and having a pioneering and sometimes rebellious nature.  It has a motivating drive to fight for what we want.

Are we seeing a theme that presented with this Full Moon In Aries, yesterday?  Intensity and a need for change in the ways we relate to self and others!

The story of this lunation will be prevalent for the next two weeks and into the next 6 months until we will see the New Moon In Aries.  The planets dance in cycles and learning to dance with them is so empowering!  We will watch the way that Aries Libra and Cancer Capricorn houses in our chart are shifting!

~Notice the shift in energy today from yesterday.  The point peaked, now the chips fall.  And this is a lovely thing!  This lunation is a powerful portal of transformation!

Here are some positive and supportive ways this energy can play out for us now.

Empowerment and Confidence ~

The energies encourage self assertion and confidence to advocate for your own wants and needs which can lead to a stronger sense of self within personal and professional relationships of all kinds.

Clarity and Focus ~

This energy can help us to gain the clarity needed about  what we truly want.  You may find yourself shifting priorities or getting more clear on the way forward now. Freeing up your path!

Change Catalyst ~

Plutos transformative energy being present at this time can act as a much needed catalyst of change.  A huge transformation may be birthing now as its an excellent time to find the inspiration to move forward shedding old habits and beliefs that no longer serve you and you can embrace your new way of expressing your authentic self.

Motivation and Action Oriented Energy ~

Initiate the projects, make the move, start the convo, tackle the tasks you’ve been putting off.  Mars is supporting your energy and drive!

Personal Growth ~

The energies at play are prompting deep self reflection, which will always lead to a transformation on some level.  You may be discovering new aspects of yourself or uncovering hidden desires or values.  Honor it. Feel it.  Move with it.

Resilience and Self Respect ~

As you have and will continue to navigate the intense energies present, you may find your confidence and courage has risen or is on the rise.  You have learned how to adapt, adjust and find solutions where difficulties present.

Self Worth and Boundaries ~

As strong sene of self is being birthed and we will find that certain relationships no longer support or embrace who we are.  You will be less compromising around who and what you choose to allow into your own beautiful story of life.

As the energies of the full moon in Aries with the Grand Cross may have been intense, anxious, busy,  or challenging, it also has presented a powerful opportunity for positive self growth. By harnessing the energy with intention, I hope you are navigating these times with more clarity, strength in self, empowerment and better awareness around who are your people and who are not.  Communities are shifting and we’re moving forward into a time that not one of us has ever experienced.  Know thyself.  Trust the process. Hold integrity.

May the energies of the cosmos be dancing sweetly with your own earthly reality!  Congratulate yourself.  It’s a lovely thing.

Now we continue the dance of the wild 2024 year.  I’m here for it!



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