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A Tidal Wave of Change from the Shifting Landscape 1/27 - 2/2


Welcome to the week of January 27 through February 2. We’ve got a really intense week of new energy presenting. I think it’s a beautiful time that this energy can come and create lightning bolt experiences that wake us up, shift gears, have us see clearly where it is that we’re moving forward. We also will feel some dreamy, divine and lovely energy coming in the second half of the week which I am delighted about!

I’m dictating this one from my phone and speaking to it instead of writing.  I have found that the energy I put into these weeklies has been a lot more than I’ve had the time for in recent weeks as I’m feeling the shifting sands of my own days present as well. As I move forward with this, I will adjust and allow the energy to guide me in the way that I share this.  Astrology is a huge part of the way I’ll be moving forward and I’ll allow this energy to support and guide my path!   I am so aligned with this new energy! I truly hope your are feeling your power present too.

Aquarius Invasion ~

On Monday, we have Mercury, the planet of communication, insights, and news, is entering Aquarius where he will meet Pluto for the first time, just hours before we will have the new moon in Aquarius present on the 29th. Pluto and Mercury will likely bring more shocking and underground news!  Mercury is reporting the news that Pluto is sharing as we’ve been revolutionized by the new shift into Aquarius energy! We could experience powerful new contractual agreements or conversations that shift the fabric of our worlds, individually.

On Wednesday, we have the new moon in Aquarius, and Im feeling like the divine is doing some planting of seeds for us. We use new moon energy to plant seeds but this feels like were in the soil with the divine. This is a great new moon which flows to Jupiter and promises a sense of being blessed, lucky or in the right space at the right time.  Be open to what presents in songs and synchronicity. I love this energy for us!

On Thursday,  the Sun in Aquarius is trining, which is a beautiful flow to Jupiter in Gemini, continuing in our worlds from the New moon. This energy is going to be supporting whatever it is that we see manifest on that new moon. It’s like a divine blessing coming through to say, “my child, I see you and I’m here to guide and support you.” This can be on a clearly, divine spiritual level, romantic heart level, and practical mind level. The point is that this is a powerful transit that’s happening in alignment with a beautiful new moon in Aquarius that is being seeded in our world for the first time ever with Pluto being there for two decades.

We also have the Chinese new year on the 29th which is ushering in the energy of the Wood Snake.

On Thursday, We have Uranus, who is the evolutionary ruler of Aquarius going direct which is a huge moment of clarity and lightning bolt awareness around our life on some level. These energies are not something that we’ve experienced in our lifetime. We will feel a forward momentum in the area that Uranus occupies in our natal chart. The point I’m wanting to drive home is that this week will be fast moving with massive shifting awareness that has the potential to bring optimism, awareness and what I would consider to be lightning bolt clarity in the fabric of our worlds.

What I'd like you to consider is that we are consciously evolving whether we’re aware of it or not, as these new energy frequencies and information continue to present on the front of the landscape of this reality. I suspect this week you will feel the energy of something new being birthed in the beginning of the week and as we continue to move forward to the end of the week will begin to feel a sense of  awareness that brings us closer into alignment with the new path that we want or it will show us where we need to shift and pivot so that we can get aligned.

" Hold on losely, don't let go, if you cling too tightly, you're going to lose control." Motto for week

As if this isn’t enough, when we enter into Friday, we have the beautiful Venus energy, combining with the divine Mystic energy of Neptune in Pisces, where Venus has been exalted. Exalted means she’s treated like a VIP guest! This leads us to the triple conjunction on Sunday, which is that of Venus, Neptune, and the North Node meeting together at the 28th° in Pisces before Venus will enter into Aries, where she will also begin her retrograde cycle. As they meet, this is a time of divine revelation, spiritual clarity, spiritual inspiration, healing, divine realization that you are more than just your name or who you've been, having the rose glasses on for all things, and the ability to step into your connection with spirit.

*  Warning: I will say here that the opposite end of the spectrum can present here and is very important to be spoken, and that is that Neptune with the north node and Venus can create a sense of wanting to escape, or a sense of not wanting to deal with what we’re being shown, or indulging in things that are not going to support our most practical, healthy and clear way forward. Consider addictions of any kind that would keep you from being the best to you and your reality right now.

I’d like to stay on the higher note of the conversation as i see this as a gorgeous opportunity to connect with the divine.  We will feel this building from midweek.

A week of Divine Shifts
A week of Divine Shifts


~Feel more connection to the divine.

~More insight and intuition.

~Divine love stories. Soulmate.

~More alignment with the things that are going to make your life feel better.

~All things beautiful around your Piscean house in your own natal chart.

All this being said, it is a week of massive Uranian Aquarius energy coming in to really shake us awake and to step into the feeling and sense of being liberated from a reality or an idea of self that is no longer serving your best way forward. We feel that the landscape has changed and anybody who doesn’t realize that is in for a massive tsunami shift being birthed this week.

My hope for you is that you feel safe, secure, inspired, supported, and in alignment with your greatest purpose, and your sense of authentic Expression. I don’t think there’s a greater gift that you could give to humanity than to really take the time to align with yourself fully and make sure that you continue to create a world around yourself that is in alignment with what you truly desire to experience on a day-to-day basis. We are in a massive evolutionary process and we’re here for it whether we’re ready or not. Have a beautiful week.

In Truth ~


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