Full moons are at their simplest a time of culmination, illumination and often can bring heightened emotion and feelings of intuition. This full moon being in Aquarius will not disappoint! We may be feeling the push pull of where we begin and end and where and how that fits into the world around us. This full moon is almost like a release of the pressure that has been being felt in the air for a couple weeks or month as the seeds that have been planted are popping up now! The planetary dance that is happening is creating its own disruptive and yet transformative energy around these seed points, welcomed or not. Its big energy and we can use it to our advantage when we can have an understating and tap into it instead of being driven by it.
This full moon opposes the Sun in Leo, squaring Uranus in Taurus, while Mercury is retrograde and Cazimi which is creating a t square! T-square energy can be challenging or felt like a tension point where something feels like it needs to pop. If that isn’t enough rebellious energy in the erratic and intense energy department, we have a T square with Saturn, Jupiter and Venus! Its like a major pressure cooker! It’s a mouthful too!
There’s a lot to share here and I want to do my best to help you process what you may be feeling and help you to create a relationship with the planetary energies. Let’s break this down!
First, things are very intense when we tap into the square energy of Uranus in Taurus near Algol, the demon fixed star. This energy emanates an unpredictable shocking and or surprising or unexpected energy.
Uranus is the planet of rebellion, disruption and sudden shifts. Think unexpected, think major storm with thunder and lightning, think breakthrough energy
Near Algol can make this more intense and it can feel like its dark and or overwhelming
In Taurus, could really shake up things that have felt solid and long held stability in your world or the world around us
The way we can use this energy is to be open to the unknown or the surprising sudden insight or shifts that happen in your world at this time. Stay grounded and know that its all right on time and likely leading us into the next new energies.
The dance of the planets is shaking things up! I can say that as I feel into this lunation, if may feel intense and like major changes are occurring as Taurus, Leo and Aquarius (Signs that this square is occurring in) are fixed signs and these are late degrees!
Fixed signs are stable, solid and often what we consider rooted energetically. They don’t like change.
Late degree placements of the planets in these signs brings major deep rooted energy up for change!
We’re talking about a desire to hold steady and not disrupt the status quo but we are feeling a need or desire to shift and grow and we’re just not exactly sure what and how.
We can feel the ground moving, we know its shifting, we just don’t know what it looks like yet or how its going to feel on the other side if we get there! The stress or anxiety is heightened and it could feel like a lot!
Secondly, the Mercury Retrograde Cazimi position in the sky is a big key to this lunation as well that many astrologer may not mention. I love this aspect as the Ancients signified this Cazimi, or the planet Mercury being so close to the Sun that it is burning up in the rays of illumination and we can have major divine downloads. Watch your dreams the next few days. The Sun is clearing out the energy of Mercury so that we can reconnect to our words, intuition and mercurial habits. Mercury has us going over the past events, so that we can move forward with more clarity and confidence. Communications will happen and we will hopefully find our footing rather than trip up with mixed signals or messages.
Thirdly, this same day, Venus, the planet of love, money and all things beautiful and of value, is in Virgo and she will oppose Saturn, the planet of boundaries, limitation and grounded practical energy in Pisces. Without going too deep, both planets are not in signs that they enjoy being in. Venus doesn’t enjoy the nitpicky and overly analytical energy of being in Virgos house. Saturn who loves his boundaries, rules, and solid grounded reality in a water sign like Pisces. Just that alone can make this a tough transit for all relationships of all kinds.
- Highlight on tension in any and all relationships
Duty that comes with relationships we hold of all kinds
Venus will speak to the practical and simple harmonies of love and commitments
Saturn will speak to the daily duties and boundaries around the relationships we hold
We’re creating more solid bonds that feel worthy, of value and in alignment with our world.
We may feel like we need break free from a relationship or change it drastically and I can’t suggest enough how important it is to act with sense and patience. It could feel very different later on. Don’t get caught up in moments of disease. Sit and allow yourself time to process these energies.
Fourthly, here is we come into our second T square. We have the Venus opposite Saturn and now we bring in Jupiter in Gemini that is squaring this these two planets. As I stated above that Venus and Saturn are not in harmonious houses, neither is Jupiter in Gemini. This is a major tension point of a sky that is happening at the same time as the full moon energy comes in to our realms. The square between Saturn and Jupiter will feel like one foot on the break and one foot on the gas petal.
Jupiter is expansive and full of optimism. Santa Claus energy
Saturn is the boundaries, limitations and restrictions. Father Time energy
Jupiter in Gemini is seeking intellectual and mental ideas expanding and growing
Saturn in Pisces demands us to slow down and consider every move we make right now
The push pull, back and forward, heavy and light is apparent in our minds and plans.
This energy began in a cycle with these two planets in December of 2020 (we can all remember what was happening then). Now it squares and shifts the narrative with new challenges or remedies. We can use this to our advantage with awareness. When we know, we can breathe and not act with rash action.
Venus in Virgo adds her over analytical vibes to the mix. Whew!
Now I want to shift into sharing how this can feel in our lives. One more thing I do need to mention is that Mars, the planet of aggression, action, initiative and independence was squaring Saturn and Venus just before this sky came in. This can create a feeling of being held back from something you want of have been aiming toward. I mention this only as its important to look at the energy that was present as this full moon comes into pop this energy!
This is one the most intense skies I have ever looked at that is like this. It’s not a dormant time. The world is changing and I can say without a doubt that the cosmos are mirroring the shifts we’re feeling in our own worlds but also the collective world around us.
Moon Square Uranus, Opposite Sun
Sudden emotional shifts or unexpected events.
Surprising revelations, disrupting or change of plans
Desire to break free or show your independence in situations
Stay open to the shifts, knowing it could happen and be willing to let the Universe guide you, as you gain trust in your life and the growth that is happening. Hold in loosely. Don’t let go!
Relations could have some tensions present. This doesn’t mean bad, it mean a tension point and that is exactly what this energy is. These can bring breakdowns or breakthroughs. You’re not a victim when you act with awareness. You may feel torn between something you love and something of duty or the idea of something that is just not showing up yet.
Use this time to reassess relationships
Don’t act yet
Allow for new information to come
Be patient and compassionate when dealing with others and yourself
Saturn Square Jupiter Square Venus
The real tension or struggle between expansion and limitation.
A push pull, you want to expand or grow but there are things that need to be dealt with first, things that take your energy or are your responsibilities
Find a balance between your optimistic excited energy and allow yourself to really get grounded on the steps that you’re going to take forward before you do. Practice patience and resilience as you find your way forward out of the recent energies.
I love the dynamic energies playing out. It is my deepest belief that we are powerful and when we know the energies of the cosmic planetary patterns, we can be empowered to act with alignment instead of going against the grain. Free will and fate are a real duo. When we feel out of control or at a loss of our personal power, we can breathe into the energies and work with them instead of against them!
We can intentionally hold our awareness around the insights and downloads that come at this time and for the 2 weeks to 6 months after as a lunation is a cycle and plays out over time.
We can all agree that the we are in wild highly charged times. The key to you staying grounded and sane is to focus on your own reality, and do what you can there to create the space and experience you desire. This may involve cutting people out or committing deeper. This may mean that you shift directions or sit tight and let this all play out trusting the timing of your life. I speak again of the push pull energy.
I share these astrological insights to help you navigate your world. I am grateful to be here and know that I chose to be on this planet during this massive time of growth and evolution. Like anything in life, there is often a massive break down before a total rebuild or new energy! Here we are we have a year or two more of these intense energy and endings and beginnings.
Someone asked me this weekend if there was always something negative and when will it get better. I laughed. I responded that when we know what’s incurring around us, we can act with the integrity and intention of our being and we are empowered and able to move with more confidence trusting that it is all in time. Let’s face it, I am grateful I follow astrology right now and not the news. The astrology is painting a clear picture of what we’re seeing occur in the world today and I will continue to share and serve in the way that I choose to.
At this time, I offer you this, Let it happen. Forward is forearmed.
Let’s use this energy to blaze off any energies no longer relevant or in alignment with our lives and allow for the new growth and garden our personal stories bloom.
This week has a big energy as it progresses and I’ll plan on sharing more of the good as we continue on the path of metamorphosis in this world.
What a time to be alive! Keep dancing! Keep breathing! Keep being the light that we need in this wildly chaotic reality were all in together, for better or worse!

Deeply ~