This week's astrological energy is wildy dynamic, with significant interactions between the planets that will likely influence our emotional well being, our style and way we communicate, and our actions in regards to these energies presenting. I’ve been in intense water of letting go of old paradigms recently and I am so ready to be moving forward, and yet it seems the cosmos are a holding a bit of tension for us to sit in before we get the pressure release. We're learning our lessons in Capriorn themes around power, abuse of power, the way we live and the structure of our values and beliefs. Things start off a lot smoother than the week may end, but I remind myself that it is often tension or chaos that will precede the calm or clarity. As everyones natal chart is different and the energies will be different depending on the way the transits are hitting your personal planets, we will likely feel the chaos, whether emotionally, mentally or physically. What a time to be alive! May this week hold more insight into your path, your vulnerabilities and the way that you chose to move forward with grace, with passion and with the awareness that we are supported and we are all on a wild ride in some area of our life. I find it interesting how so many of us have been speaking to how fast time seems to be moving. I am hopeful when Jupiter makes his slow down move in Gemini, we get a breather for a couple months! We will be reviewing, reconnecting and with the positive and benefic energy we can expand our lives joy and peaceful moments.
Venus Trine Mars Monday
- This energy can create potential passionate and harmonious interactions in relationships. Your desire for connection and intimacy will likely be heightened and could be emotional as the planets are both strongly attracted to each other, yet not in their strongest placement in our skies. It's a great time for intimate connections and creative endeavors, especially where vulnerability and passion collide. We can deepen relationships and we can cultivate our passions with gusto!
Mercury Trine Jupiter (just before Jupiter goes retrograde) Wednesday
- This energy can enhance the exchange of communication and ideas. It’s a lovely time for conversations that may lead to new opportunities and insights. Your mind will be a buzz and your inspiration could soar! Be careful to not to commit to too much right now.

Jupiter Goes Retrograde Thursday
- Jupiter’s retrograde movement will invite introspection regarding our beliefs, faith, knowledge, and the way we communicate and connect around these themes. It’s a time that will likely have you revisiting and reassessing goals, studies, inspiration or the plans related to your next expansion. You may find yourself reflecting on past experiences that shape your current perspective and change can be occurring. Don’t rush. Allow it to happen.
Pluto Goes Direct in Capricorn at 29° Friday
- This energy marks a significant turning point, especially as Pluto has been in retrograde. The 29° degree is often seen as a critical point or a culmination, suggesting that themes of transformation, power dynamics, and control will come to the forefront. This could be a time to embrace transformation in areas related to career, authority, and personal power. This is an energy we’ve all been feeling as the systems we have been a part of for so many years in the collective are crumbling around us. Pluto is a slow moving planet and takes 16 to 20 years to go through a sign. I expect that the next two months will be littered with many WTF’s as we let go of the past cycle! My hope is that we are all left with a sweet nugget of growth that has occurred in our Capricorn house of our chart. (Reach out if interested in exploring your own chart) Be prepared to be surpirsed at power struggles that could come up at this time.
Mercury Squares Pluto Friday
- This energy can create tension in communication if we are not mindful. Be aware that there will be tense energy this weekend and be thoughtful and step back when needing to communicate important things. There may be power struggles or intense discussions, and it’s essential to approach conversations with sensitivity. This aspect can lead to uncovering hidden truths, but it’s crucial to be mindful of how you express your thoughts. It can also be a tension breaking point in a conversation that has been coming and can lead to massive healing and transformation. Overall, know its and intense energy to have.
Sun Trine Jupiter and Square Mars at Same Time Sunday
- The trine to Jupiter enhances optimism and sociability, making it a great day for social meetings and expanding our horizons. However, the square to Mars may create tension between your desires and the needs of others, leading to potential conflicts or impulsive actions. It’s a balance between assertiveness and diplomacy. Its a follow up of the previous energies in the week and we will likely have to watch our words and stay focused n the good, stay focused on the way forward. It’s a balance game right now.
Overall, this week is marked by a blend of passionate energy, opportunities for growth, and the need for introspection. As you navigate these influences, focus on maintaining balance in relationships and communication while being open to transformation and deeper understanding. Don't get lot in emotions! The energy suggests a potent time for personal growth and redefining your goals, especially as Jupiter and Pluto shift into their retrograde and direct phases.
I am looking forward to the Jupiter Retrograde and Pluto direct energy. We’re evolving and we’re shifting timelines, if we’re aligned. Lessons are being dealt out and many can be realized this week. The one thing I do feel to say here is that you are likely seeking balance and or direction. We are still being asked to trust the process and allow the insight to come in. This week is a powerful week of growth, release and expansion so the name of the game is Mindful Movement in Relationships and Way we Passionately pursue our Goals.
Some helpful tips for the week:
~Be introspective with Jupiter going retrograde.
Journaling can help. Take time to reflect on your beliefs and aspirations. Writing can help organize your thoughts and reveal insights about what you truly want.
~Revisit older goals. Review prior plans or projects you may have set aside. Consider if these goals still resonates with you and what needs to be let go and what needs to be added.
Embrace the transformation that Pluto going direct will bring!
~Release and let go! As Pluto goes direct, focus on shedding what no longer serves you. Consider a ritual or ceremony to symbolize releasing old patterns.
~Set some new intentions. Think about personal power and transformation. Set intentions for how you want to evolve in your career and personal life after the shedding of the old skin.
~Stay grounded! Take breaks if talks get intense. Emotions will likely be high. Ground yourself through deep breathing, nature walks, or meditative practices. Whatever works for you!
~Seek win win situations. Practice empathy and compassion in relational dynamics of all kinds. Surround yourself with positive energy. Limit overstimulation. Reduce unnecessary distractions. Be adaptive to change and be adaptable.
Be so good to you! I am planning on moving through this week with intentions of peace, passion and allowing the new insights that will be coming as I release the old that is no longer resonant.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your weeks, in your life. I am grateful to be of service. It’s been one of the greatest blessings of my life so far!
Deeply ~