The new moon in Virgo on September 14th represents a time of practicality, organization, and attention to details around health, wellness, routines and how we are of service in our daily world. This is a time we can focus on improving well being as a whole, setting goals, and taking practical steps towards achieving them.
Virgo energy is analytical and methodical, making this a great time for planning, organizing, and implementing new systems. So, It’s a great moon to set intentions around healing, health and service you will provide to self and others.
I feel that we should always align with new moon energy after the new moon 8 to 24 hours after it happens as it’s not waning any more. It’s waning until it’s new. This makes the energy completely different. I also use new moons for next 30 day cycle and larger 6 month cycle.
We have Mercury direct the day after and I would say it’s highly likely we’ll get some news around health and healing.
Use the new moon to connect to your health for the most powerful effects on your personal life. I’m setting a few new ones.
Start a new supplement routine.
A new workout routine.
A new daily to do list.
Clear clutter.
Drink more water.
Eat more Whole Foods.
Cut out something you’ve been struggling with.
Virgo is here to bring practical clarity to your new goals! Use it. 🌙✨
Make A list.
Set intentions.
Light a candle.
Make it practical, Virgo loves anything practical!
Holding space~ Angela.